Decades of EXPERIENCE and comprehensive expertise in the development and manufacturing of plug connections constitute the firm foundation on which the success of our work is built.

We have the complete process chain from development through to volume production in-house. 
An optimum level of FLEXIBILITY is achieved through economical and consistent usage of our in-house capacities, coupled with collaboration based on confidence with our dependable contract partners.

With great INNOVATIVE POWER and creativity, our expert and specialist, dynamic and motivated team of employees is committed to finding future-proof solutions to current problems.

Right from the development stage, we specify the PRECISION of our products. This precision is achieved 'on the ground' by reliable and professionally skilled employees who perform processing and machining operations on modern production facilities.

Special emphasis is placed in our company on a high level of CUSTOMER ORIENTATION.
As well as the many standardized plug connections from our very comprehensive product range, numerous user-specific special designs have proven their capabilities under tough operating conditions.